Food: Pork steaks with pesto & mozzarella

I wasn’t quite sure about the combination when I first read this recipe but if you like all the ingredients separately, you’ll love it. And it really is as easy as the title says; pan-fry the steaks (I used shoulder steaks) until nearly done, place on a oven proof dish, smear generously with pesto, top with mozzarella, a sprinkle of freshly chopped basil and grill for another 5-10 minutes. Serve with a crispy baked spud – yum.

Here’s the original recipe.

Food: Pork steaks with pesto & mozzarella

Best things come in small packages…

A recent addition to my ‘look out for list’ when on the hunt for salvage are decorative boxes, and I found this little beauty at a church sale in Lymmington, New Forest. Also in the deal was a hand engraved design, about 4 times the size which I still need to tart up and shall post about soon…

The necklace inside the box is a citrine stone pendant my lovely sister got me for Christmas from!

Best things come in small packages…