Christmas Craftyness: Wreaths

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To get in the festive spirit, my Mum and I recently I went to a great Christmas Wreath Workshop at a lovely local florists (Andrea Fisher’s Luv Flowers).

It was lovely spending time with my Mum doing something crafty and festive, and its even better when there’s plenty of coffee, cake and mince pies!

I went for a bit of a rustic look, wrapping clematis and hazel around the moss and then decorating with gold sprayed hydrangea, red berries and a sparkle of red and gold ting ting. The wreath stays fresh through the moisture in the moss.

The other half did note that it hasn’t got a single holly leaf – which apparently is the point of a wreath – but I love the simple effect of it. What style do you prefer, traditional holly or something a bit different?

Luvflowers run regular workshops – take a look here (highly recommended!)

Christmas Craftyness: Wreaths